
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:38:13
“看着妈妈头发里夹杂的白法,额头上布满了皱纹,心里一阵酸楚。那是她岁月操劳留下的痕迹。缕缕白发儿女债,条条深纹岁月痕。我们大了,父母也老了。晚上我和妈妈睡在了一张床上,我感觉特别的幸福。不自觉泪水湿润了我的眼睛,暑假我很多地方做的都不好,没少惹妈妈生气,内疚感由染而生。妈妈常说:“你的平安快乐是我最大的幸福” 妈妈对我的爱无法用言语表达出来。。。“妈妈,我会好好学习,好好生活。请您和我爸放心”我在心底默默对自己说。。。

on seeing the gray hair and wrinkles on her forehead, bitterness filled my heart full. they are the tracks of her years long hard-working.
gray hair, children's duty to pay back
wrinkles, ages track never lifted.
we are adults now while parents become older. i slept with mum at night. and i was fulfilled with happiness, tears in my eyes. i did do many things wrong in the summer vacation and made mum angry. now , i felt regretful. mum always said, my safty and joy are indeed where her happiness lies greatly in. the love from mum can hardly be interpreted by words...
mum, i promise to study harder and harder, i will live a better life. dad and mum, don't worry about me.i said to my heart.
lift wrinkles 表示消除皱纹

Mom looked at a mixture of white hair, France, full of wrinkles on his forehead, sorrow and grief felt for a while. It was hard times, she left behind traces. Claims continuously white children, every time pattern of deep marks. We have