求《牡丹亭》 经典诗句:“忙处抛人闲处住 百计思量 没个为欢处……”的英语翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:24:40
“忙处抛人闲处住 百计思量 没个为欢处 白日消磨肠断句 世间只有情难诉 玉茗堂前朝复暮 红烛迎人 俊得江山助 但是相思莫相负 牡丹亭上三生路”

busy place throws person leisure firmly getting along a hundred meter considering it not having frittered away intestines for joyful place day cutting off the sentence world only when the people of feeling difficult to go to meet before telling the jade tender tea leaves hall towards restoring the red candle of sunset is so handsome that rivers and mountains helps the negative peony pavilion but lovesickness Mo looks at and appraises upper three means of livelihood