
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 20:21:58
1.约翰今天不能来上班,因为他得了感冒。(be sick of)
John can't go to work today,because he has been sick of the cough.
2.那小女孩喜欢陪伴他父亲。(keep sb.company)
That girl was found of her father kept her company.
3.这辆自行车不值你付的那些钱。(pay for)
The bike haven't the value for which you pay.
4.我将告假回家乡去探亲。(take a leave of absence)
I would take a leave of absence to visit my family.
5.这个国家向上海提供石油。(provide sb.with sth)
This country has providing shanghai with oil

1.John can't go to work today,because he catched a cold.
通常这样说。但是,一定要用be sick of 的话,请用cold,be sick of a cold
John can't go to work today,because he was sick of a cold.

2.The girl likes keeping her father company.

3. The bike isn't worth what you paid for.

4.I will ask for leave to visit my relatives in my hometown.

5.The country is providing Shanghai with petroleum.


1我觉得he is sick of cold!
2That girl is fond of keeping her father company!
3The bike is not worth the money you paid.
4I take a leave of absence to visit my family.
5This country provides Shanghai with oil!
has providing没有这种表达方式!

1.John can't go to work today,because he is sick of the cough.
2.That girl was found of her father to keep her company.
3.The bike haven't the value for you to pay for.
4.I will take a leave of absence to visit my fa