
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 06:03:40
1. 在现代,人们要承担的家庭责任比以前更少了,但要面对更多的社会挑战。(take on)
2. 这个社会我们谁都不能瞧不起谁,说不定什么时候他比你还要有出息。(disdain)
3. 90后这一代人非常喜欢娱乐,而且喜欢以自我为中心。(propensity for)
4. 你认为有必要对自己的工作单位忠心耿耿吗?(commitment to)
5. 你认为你将来会跳槽吗?(jump ship)
6. 有些父母溺爱自己的小孩是因为他们经常不在家陪小孩。(spoil)
7. 21世纪搞研究往往要与别人携手才能做成。(team up with)

1.In modern times, people take on less family responsibility than before , but must face more social challenges.
2.In this society we cannot desdain anyone, perhaps sometiome he have more prospects compared to you.
3.The generation of person born after 1990 likes the entertainment very much, moreover they show a propensity for regarding themselves as center.
4.Do you think that it is necessary to be commitment to your unit of work?
5.Do you think you will jump ship in the future?
6.Some parents spoil their child because they do not accompany the child frequently at home.
7.In 21st century,it is necessary to team up with others to have the research to be done.


1.. In the modern age, people have to bear the responsibility of the family less than before, but have to face more challenges in the community.

2.None of us in this community who can not look down, even when he You Chuxi than you are.

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