
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 13:31:11
):“近年来,随着社会竞争日趋激烈,各种应激性生活事件不断增加,心理压力增大,使抑郁症的患病率呈上升趋势,它已成为威胁人类健康和影响生活幸福度的严重疾病。众所周知,抑郁症是以显著而持久的心境障碍为主要特征的一种疾病,抑郁症患者常有兴趣丧失、自罪感、注意困难、食欲丧失和有死亡或自杀观念,其他症状包括认知功能、语言、行为、睡眠等异常方面的表现。所有这些变化的结果均导致患者人际关系、社会和职业功能的损害。现今,对抑郁症的处理越来越趋于合理用药与心理治疗的综合应用,合用不仅可以减轻或缓解病人的症状,而且可以提高病人的心理社会适应功能水平,改善其生命质量,是最具成本- 效果干预的方式之一,有必要得到重视和推广应用。本文简单概述抑郁症的发生原因和目前对抑郁症患者不仅要正常用药之外还要结合的心理治疗的有效方法和其他的一些选择路径。”

:) in recent years, people who suffered from depression were increased by fierce competition and emergency events of life ,it has beacame a serious disease which influences our health and happiness.

As we all know ,depression with the character of obvious long-last psychological disorder,who suffered from depression always been loss of interest , guilty,distractive,Loss of appetite and suicidal.
it also has symptom in expression of recognition,language,behaviour and sleeping.all these changes do harm to the relationship,society and career of suffer.

nowadays ,people treat the depression by using medicine rationally and psychological treatment, it would make patients adapt to the society and improve their life quality. this is the most effective and least cost estimating way . we should pay attention and promote it in application .

This paper summarizes reason of depression and tells how to treat depression

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