
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 15:58:03
别用什么 long handled……

Long Green-dragon-halting-Moon Broadsword 青龙偃月刀
made a stand 扎马步
刘备 Liu Bei (family name + given name)
曹操 Cao Cao
幽州 YouZhou (name+territory. Han dynasty had 13 Zhou 州)
巨鹿郡 JuLuJun (each Zhou had a few Jun 郡)
涿县 ZhuoXian (each Jun had a few Xian 县)
汜水关 SiShui Pass

汉献帝 Emperor Xian of Han
宦官 Eunuchs (they had no official titles, but when an Emperor placed his trust in them, they started to mess around with other official "royal officials".)
皇亲(国戚,国舅...) Royal Relatives or Royal Pain (they may or may not have official titles, but when an Emperor placed his trust in them, they started to mess around with other official "royal officials".)
大将军 Commander-in-Chief
大都督 Commander-in-Chief
相国 Prime Minister
丞相 Prime Minister
司徒 Deputy Prime Minister
太守 Governor (of a Zhou)
刺史 Inspector (generally to check and report back to the royal court on the governor of a