
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 14:21:45
目的:本实验对党参保健饮料澄清及其配方进行了研究,以探讨党参保健饮料的生产工艺和配方,为进一步工业化生产提供基础,也为扩展传统中草药的应用和普及提供依据。方法:提取党参原液,以原液透光率为指标检测在适宜条件下不同酶量的果胶酶对原液的澄清效果;在澄清原液中加入适当调味物质,以色泽、香味、滋味等感官评定为指标,采用正交试验法筛选最佳配方。结果:产品最适澄清条件:50℃条件下采用果胶酶0.24%处理党参原液 ,最佳配方:原液20%、糖6%、盐0.04%蜂蜜2.2%。结论:党参保健饮料色味俱佳,一定程度上符合大众口味,具有很高的推广价值。

Objective: This study on the health of dangshen drink formula and its clarification has been studied to explore the health drink dangshen production processes and formulas in order to further provide the basis for industrial production, but also expand the application of traditional Chinese herbal medicine and to provide universal basis. Methods: Codonopsis extract solution, the solution to light in the detection rate of targets suitable for different conditions, the amount of enzyme pectinase to clarify the effect of the solution; to clarify the appropriate solution to add flavor material to color, smell, taste, and other sensory evaluation Indicators for using orthogonal screening the best formula. Results: the best products to clarify the conditions: 50 ℃ under the conditions of use of pectinase dangshen solution to deal with 0.24 percent, the best formula: 20% solution, 6% sugar, salt 0.04% honey 2.2 percent. Conclusion: The color of dangshen health drinks taste English, to a ce