
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 19:27:36
“The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence.” That’s an old saying in English. It means that other places often look better, more interesting than the place where you live. Some people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel that way. They see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and, instead, buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating western holidays.
Foreign books and soap operas are good, but Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can never have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with Mid-autumn Festival. And let’s not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best: its friendliness. Not all countries are as warm as China.
It’s good to enjoy other cultures and to learn from them, but they can never replace your own culture. It’s good to look on the other side of the fence, but make sure you take a good long look.

基层期待环保的另一边的围栏。 “这是一句老话英文。这意味着,其他地方往往寻找更美好,更有趣的地方你住。有人担心,年轻的中国正开始觉得这种方式。他们看到年轻的中国无视中国的文化,相反,购买日本卡通图书,观看韩国肥皂剧,甚至庆祝西方节日。

“草绿色的期待另一边的围栏。 ”这是一句老话英文。这意味着,其他地方往往寻找更美好,更有趣的地方你住。有人担心,年轻的中国正开始觉得这种方式。他们看到年轻的中国无视中国的文化,相反,购买日本卡通图书,观看韩国肥皂剧,甚至庆祝西方节日。
