
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 01:23:10

1、not a bit , not a little

not a bit 意思为一点也不。如:I'm not a bit hungry now . 我现在一点也不饿。

not a little 意思为"很","非常"等于very 。如:He is not a little tired . 他非常累。

2、no more , no longer

no more ,no longer 二者都有"不在"之意,但是no more (=not…any more) 强调时间上的先后对比;如:Please say no more about this matter .(=Please don't say any more about this matter .) 而no longer(=not…any longer )强调数量或程度上的对比。如:He no longer live here .(He doesn't live here any longer.)

3、go on doing sth. /go on with sth. /go on to do sth.

go on doing sth. 继续做某事;指前后做的是同一件事。如:Go on reading Lesson Two . 继续读第二课。(刚才读的就是第二课)

go on with sth. 也表示前后做同一件事,但中间有暂停情况。如:After having a cup of tea ,he went on with the work. go on to do sth. 表示继某事;指前后做的不是同一件事。如:Go on to read Lesson Three .(刚才可能读的是第二课,也可能干别的事。)

4、It is/was +adj.+ for sb.to do sth. It is/was +adj. +of sb. to do sth.

这一句型中for 前的形容词侧重说明其后不定式所表述的的这件事,该类形容