
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:58:55
如题,要用这个题目写一篇论文的 希望大家能帮帮忙哈
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Thesis: With the development of the technology, the quality of popular movies has improved from the classic silent movies. Although they have many differences, they have a lot of similarities as well.
A. Both silent movies and popular movies used different camera angles.
1) In Metropolis, when Freder saw the Mara’s scarf at a door. The director used reverse angle to show Freder picking it up.
2) In a modern movie like “sleepers”, when the four boys dropped the cart down the steps of the underground, there were many different angles to show that atmosphere.
B. Both movies have special effects.
1) In Metropolis, when that bad guy gave the machine man a face, it used special effects.
2) In a popular movie like “Harry Potter”, all the magic that Harry Potter used in the movies were all showed by special effects.
C. Both silent movies and popular movies have music to describe the atmosphere.