
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 02:25:40
珍贵的三年大学生活已接近尾声,自入校以来,在三年的大学校园生活和社会时间中我不断地挑战自己,充实自己,在各方面素质都得到成长,也取得了一定地成绩。 学习方面,我在较好地学习自己本专业地基础上,利用课余时间积极的参加学校组织的相关全国技能大赛,而且在2007-2008学年度中,用自己的课余时间通过了solidwroks三维考试. 英语A级考试,拿到了钳工证书和车工证书,数控证书,从而使自己的专业知识更加巩固。使自己的多方面的能力得到很好的培养,为我今后的学习和工作打下坚实的能力基础。在大学三年中也曾获得多次奖励,在2006年秋期获得第二等奖学金, 2006-2007获得国家助学金第三等奖, 2007秋期获得第二等奖学金, 2006-2007学年度中,表现良好,被评为精神文明建设先进个人. 2008年春期获得第三等奖学金,2007-2008获得国家助学金第二等奖, 但我不会满足于过去的现状我会更加努力的对待未来的生活。 在与师长、同学相处方面,我待人热情、友善。珍视友情与人间真情,对各种社会现象有一个正直地青年大学生应有的憎与爱,理解与体谅。与同学关系融洽,并为使自己能与他人成为朋友而愿做各种努力。 在加强科学知识学习的同时,我从未放松过对自己思想的培养。通过不断地阅读各种哲学书籍以及对现实社会地观察与思考,使自己保持一种积极上进地思想态度,同时也养成了一种勤于观察与思考地生活态度。在思想上更应该向党组织靠拢,做一个合格的大学生。 在过去的时间中我一直坚持一个信念——自强不息!同时也把“自强不息”作为自己的座右铭。未来的生活是充满挑战的,然而也会以自信乐观的心态去迎接未来的美好明天

University precious three years of life are drawing to a close, since the school year into three years of college campuses and social life in the time I constantly challenge ourselves to equip themselves with various aspects of the quality of growth are also achieved some results. Learning, I learn better in their professional and based on the use of extra-time active participation in school-related organizations, the National Skills Competition, and in the 2007-2008 academic year, in their own time after school through a three-dimensional solidwroks examination. English A-level exams, get a certificate fitter and turner certificate, a certificate of NC, so that their expertise more consolidation. So many aspects of their ability to train well for my future study and work to lay a solid foundation for the capacity. University in three years, have repeatedly received awards in the autumn of 2006 to obtain the second and so on scholarships, grants for 2006-2007 was the first third cou