
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 11:33:13




5.每天练习说英语有助于提高你的口语.(practice doing.....)


1. my brother find it easy to learn other languages after learning English.
2. You won't be success unless you try.
3. This room is too small to fit 5 people
4. I didn't say anything, because I was afraid that other kids would laugh at me.
5. Practice speaking english is good to improve your verbal skill.
6. Would you tell me how to say "wish you good luck" in Japaness, please?

1. My brother says that he finds it also easier to learn other languages now that he has learned English.

2. You will not succeed unless you've tried.

3. This room is too small to contain 5 people.

4. I said nothing for I was afraid to be laughed at by other kids.

5. Practicing speaking English everyday will improve your spoken English.

6. Could you please tell me how to say "good luck" in Japanese?

My brother finds that after learning English, other languages are easy to learn.