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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:05:47
"啊!真是个好天气啊! 天气好了心情就好,心情好了,运气也会好吧! 不知道在天上的她今天的心情好不好呢?"我拖着下巴,望着天.

"你这个臭丫头!大清早起来没刷牙洗脸就一个人在这里自言自语!还不快准备去跟我买菜!" 老妈又用他365分贝的嗓音念我了!!还好我提前堵住了我的耳朵.

我把左手放在胸口心脏的地方,右手抚摸这她送给我的项链,"准备好了吗? 我们新的一天又开始了哦!"

跟老妈买菜应该是世界上最无趣的事了吧! 她每次都拿两个看起来完全一样的东西比来比去! 比完还要在选一下有没有更好的.

"wow~ what a nice day! nice weather get nice mood, nice mood get good luck! l don;t know if she feels good in the heaven?" l think and look the sky

" what a sucks girl, don't talk to yourself without brush your teeth and wash face in the morning, go and prepare to go shopping with me, hurry up!" my mum yelled at me in 365FB, lucky l put my hand over my ears.
l put my left hand on my chest where near the heart.my right hand is feeling the necklace that she gave to me." are you ready? another day of us start now"

the most boring thing is the world is that go shopping with mum.she always take two stuff that look same and then compare each! after that she also think if there is anything better