找首摇滚的英文歌高潮有句i wanna...

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:30:53
有三个i wanna
i wanna hear/fear/care
i wanna hear/fear/care(具体那个词记不清了反正有ear的读音)
i wanna .....so long/much(又记不清了。。)

感觉很可能是林肯公园的《Somewhere I Belong》他们的成名作。

附《Somewhere I Belong》歌词

when this began
i had nothing to say
and id get lost in the nothingness inside of me
i was confused
and i let it all out to find that im
not the only person with these things in mind
inside of me
but all the vacancy the words revealed
is the only real thing that ive got left to feel
nothing to lose
just stuck hollow and alone
and the fault is my own
and the fault is my own
i want to heal
i want to feel
what i thought was never real
i want to let go of the pain ive held so long
erase all the pain til its gone
i want to heal
i want to feel
like im cl

找歌!高潮部分有句i wanna know,是英文歌,女的唱的,音乐很火爆的,像舞曲! 一首英文歌,歌词高潮部分有if i could have one wish这句,是首抒情的慢歌!有谁知道的请告知,谢谢! 请问有首英文歌歌词高潮是唱“i love you baby..”这首歌的歌名 找首英文歌,好象里面有句i am saying saying什么的 有首英文歌,很老的,可能很多人都听过,高潮部分唱着"I love you baby" 找首英文歌~~有句歌词是 有首英文歌歌词有这句的i want it now baby,知道是什么歌吗?带摇滚的 一首节奏蛮快的英文歌?高潮的歌词:i can be you girl friend ```````````` 歌词第一句为i change my mind的英文歌叫什么名字啊,风格是慢摇滚的 请问一首英文歌的高潮是:i love you 男声