
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 13:49:45

Humanities Corridor, Water is an important space for park staff to provide a venue for the exchange and rest. The site is a simple block structure, down from the high look-out for design and strong sense of the vast land of art, from Dali's surrealistic painting style

人文走廊 = Humanties corridor

是重要的临水空间,is a very important waterside space
为园区内工作人员提供一个交流和休息的场所。that provides for the staff in the garden aplace for interactions and relaxations (rest)
场地为简洁的块状结构,the site has simple pieces of structure由高处向下了望则为图案感强的大地艺术,looking atop it has strong artistic pattern and design of the earth
由达利超现实主义画派的风格 with ultra-realism art

Humanities Corridor, Water is an important space for park staff to provide a venue for the exchange and rest. The site is a simple block structure, down from the high look-out for design and strong sense of the vast land of art, from Dali's surrealistic painting style.
