
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 22:25:28

那要看你去什么大学,每个大学都不一样 这是成均馆的资料 Foreign students whose parents are both foreign nationals
(the student as well as both parents must have obtained citizenship before the student’s junior year in high school).

-Exceptions: for Taiwan nationals, it is necessary for only one of the parents to be a foreign national.
1)Undergraduate (For Freshmen): Applicant must have graduated from Korean or Foreign High Schools.
2)Transfer Students
(1)General Transfer Students: Applicants must have completed their elementary, junior high, high school education, and must have attended at least 2 years of formal undergraduate school (18 months for 3-year course undergraduate schools) with at least 65 academic credits or 1/2 of the academic credits required to graduate from the undergraduate school the applicant wishes to transfer from.
(2)Bachelor Transfer Students: Applicants must have completed their elementary, junior high, high school

我现在是名大三的本科生,专业会计,但是我想考法硕,不过听好多人说不好找工作,请问我该怎么办 我的专业是韩语,现在大三,想考研但不知考什么专业比较好? 我是一名本科生,今年大三,水利水电建筑工程专业。请问我现在可以拿什么相关专业的证件?????? 我是人力资源管理专业的本科生,今年大三,想问一下关于研究生的信息 我已经是本科生了,现在读大三,我想自考,还用不用自考专科? 我现在是大三学生,想跨专业准备考历史的研究生,请问该怎样准备? 我现在大三暑假,专业是电子通信,想实习,怎么找实习单位呢? 我是公共事业管理专业本科学生,现在已是大三,想考研,考什么专业好 我是大三学生,专业是国内工商管理,想做记者,不知现在应怎样 市场营销专业的本科生大三可以实习吗?