
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:30:53

protect 指“保护...以免遭受危险或伤害等”, 如: protect the children from harm 保护儿童免受伤害。 shield 指“保护、保卫...免受惩罚或伤害等”, 较其他词更有形象感,多指像防护罩一样保护

shield [ʃɪːld]
n. 盾; 庇护者; 保护者; 防护物
v. 保护; 庇护; 保卫; 包庇; 起保护作用牛津高阶英汉双解词典


/ ʃiːld; ʃild/ n
(a) piece of (usu metal or leather) armour formerly carried on the arm to protect the body when fighting 盾. (b) (in heraldry) drawing or model of a shield displaying a coat of arms (coat) (纹章中的)盾形纹徽, 盾形徽章. =>illus at coat of arms arms (coat) 见coat of arms (coat)插图. (c) trophy in the form of a shield 盾形锦标: win the school boxing shield 赢得学校拳击赛盾形锦标.
~ (against sth) (fig 比喻) person or thing that protects 起保护作用的人或物: This car polish is an effective shield against rust. 这种汽车上光蜡很有防?作用.
(in machinery, etc) plate or screen that protects the operator or the machine; thing used to keep out wind, dust, etc (机器等的)护板, 挡风板, 防尘板: a shield around the grip of a chainsaw 链锯手柄的护套 * the `heat