小文章翻译 老太太学英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 16:21:45
第一次给干妈上课,把她的书拿出来一看。不错,老太太好认真,书上记满了笔记,密密麻麻;再仔细一看,天哪,居然是她自己瞎记上的中文念法。比如:thank you ,她写“三克油”。我还没有开始,她就先给了我一个下马威。我真的是哭笑不得。我故作镇定,假装咳嗽了一声,说:“这样子学英语是不对的。就应该对着音标念。这样才是最好的。”听了我的话,老太太一脸的无辜,她沉着声音说:可是我们老师只教了我们一遍音标,我根本不知道怎么念,而且老师说了,不管用什么办法,只要记下来就好了。”听她这么一说,觉得自己挺可恶的,怎么可以一上来就打击她的自尊心,自信心呢。于是,我笑眯眯的对她说:“你很聪明,还知道用这个办法来学英语,没关系,我们先来把你刚学过的这一小段念一下。”
她忽然变得很紧张,咽了咽口水,甚至有些结巴的说:“我读的不准的而且断断续续的。”我点点头,指了指书,让她开始读。正如她所说的,她读得真的很不好。读完以后,她很难过,就像个做错事的小孩子一样,低着头等着被老师批评。我没有说什么,只是让她跟着我念。那些都是最简单的句子,好像what’s this之类的。但是对于她来说也很难。她刚刚读过,过不到一分钟就全都忘记了。真的是让我这个新老师也很头痛阿。

Recently, my Gan Ma, Liu Xun nearly a year old retired teacher, thought of all of a sudden, he has to learn English, but also ran excitedly on the Old University, bought a book in English. However, she has never studied English, remember the words, learned things quickly forgotten. School teachers together with the progress faster, the old lady have no alternative but to me to help her special treatment. This is a really interesting things. I would very much like a teacher, but for the first time from when a teacher's teacher.
Gan Ma for the first time to attend to her book out to have a look. It is true that the old lady seriously good book on the mind filled with notes, numerous; A closer look, my God, is actually her own mind on the blind study Chinese law. For example: thank you, she wrote "3 grams of oil." I have not started, she give me a Xiama Wei. I really dumbfounding. I am pretending to be calm, a pretend cough out, said: "The way to lea