
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 01:49:29
居民委员会(以下简称居委会)是中国城市管理中最基层的组织,是整个城市管理系统的“神经末梢”。 成千上万的居委会将政府与人民群众联系在一起,是政府与人民群众互相联系的纽带。在改革开放前,计划经济体制下,居委会作为一个群众性自治组织,是中国单位体制的一种延伸,是对那些没有正式单位的人员的一种管理组织,负责的工作也比较简单琐碎,如贴通知、打扫卫生等。但随着改革的逐步深化,大量的新问题、新情况都开始涌入社区,使居委会所处的环境、面临的任务都发生了巨大的变化,居委会的职能也随之发生了变化。



关键词:社区环境 社区环境改革 理念创新

Community environment generally refers to the concept of community groups around the room and can be direct or indirect impact on human life and development of a variety of natural factors, social factors combined. Community environment in general, including both hardware and software, hardware environment in general refers to the hardware facilities, such as equipment, vegetation distribution, waste disposal, etc.; software environment in general refers to the human environment, such as the quality of civic, political system, public opinion and so on.
Neighborhood (the neighborhood) is the most urban Chinese grass-roots organizations, the city is the management system of "ending." Tens of thousands of residents to the government and the people linked to the Government and the people of mutual ties. In the reform and opening-up before the planned economy system, neighborhood as a mass organizations of self-government, China is an extension of the system unit, for tho