翻译整篇文章 不要在线翻译 经济全球化

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/12 13:02:39







With the economic globalization refers to the continuous development of social productive forces, other countries and economic areas, including production, circulation and consumption in areas such as interconnected, interdependent and mutually infiltration in the past because of those ethnic, national, regional and other factors caused by Impede the declining world economy has increasingly become an organic whole.

Economic globalization should include the following:

--- Globalization of production. For example, U.S. production of Boeing Boeing passenger aircraft, the necessary parts and components 4,500,000, from 6 countries of the 1,500 large enterprises and 15,000 small and medium enterprises. Boeing completed the design of technology is the key parts and components production and assembly of the final product only. According to statistics, currently the world, 40% of products manufactured by multinational companies.

--- Globalization of trade.