
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 19:16:39
例如资源的浪费,环境的影响,以及最重要的--工人们的生活环境和工作环境极为窘困和悲惨,社会公正受到了严重的挑战。 在社会财富急速积累的同时我们也面临了business cycle的困扰



For example, a waste of resources, environmental impact, as well as the most important - the workers living and working environment of extremely embarrassing and tragic, social justice has been a serious challenge. The rapid accumulation of wealth in society at the same time we also face the problem of the business cycle

Capitalists need to look at their own greed

At the same time, because we have a large number of overseas colonies, as well as overseas trade, in order, the accumulation of huge amount of capital, has laid a solid foundation for the industrial revolution.