
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 08:23:39
today is a unlucky day. i was felt cold in this morning.but i just the same be all in the day's went to school
in give a class. i felt very sick.so i put down my head.the teacher said look up for me when she found me.that did it!she conceive i was sleeping. she may be thinks i is a bad boy
from the day, i hate cold very much

Today was an unlucky day. I felt cold this morning,but I just had to go to school. In class, I felt rather sick and so I lowered my head. The teacher asked me to look up when she saw me. I looked up. She thought that I was sleeping. She might think that I am a bad boy from that day on. I hate the cold weather very much.