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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:40:28
Firstly, introduction includes two parts, what is traditional building and the importance of protecting traditional building. Traditional buildings are those buildings which experienced long particular period and possessing historical significance. We should protect them because all traditional buildings symbolize their own national spirit, they also reflect the style of structure in that time. The purpose of these two parts is to introduce the concept of traditional building and declare our standpoint.
Next part is the body of presentation, it also consisted of two parts, a good example and a bad example, which indicate there would be two different results of opposite attitude toward traditional building in this section. The case of bad example is a phenomenon of destroying Quadrangle in China. For preparing Olympic Games, government has to find more available space, so they destroyed most Quadrangles, it also bring the loss on follows aspects, they include but not limited, cultu

楼主的文章在定冠词(a / the / -s) 方面有很多小失误,所以以后要加强这方面的练习。

Firstly, the introduction includes two parts, what a traditional building is and the importance of protecting traditional buildings. Traditional buildings are those buildings which have experienced a long particular period of time and possess historical significances. We should protect them because all traditional buildings symbolize their own national spirits, and also reflect the style of structure at that time. The purpose of these two parts is to introduce the concept of traditional building and to declare our standpoint.

The next part is the body of the presentation, it also consists of two parts, a good example and a bad example, which indicate there would be two different results from the opposite attitudes toward traditional buildings in this section. The case of bad example is a phenomenon of destroying Quadrangle in China. For the preparation of the Olympic Games, the government had to find more availab