ji麻烦 英 文高 手看下是什么意思?谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 02:11:22
I was so sick to my stomach I could barely concentrate on the movie that night. Ask for a hearing. I cringed at the thought, but I knew I had to do it. No way in the world could I afford to pay all those fines. I'd just bought the car. Was it my fault that the previous owners hadn't had it inspected?

那天晚上我觉得恶心极了(倒足了胃口),几乎没办法集中精神看那部电影. 要求打官司吧——我一想到这个念头就畏缩不前,但是我知道我不得不这么干。要付那些罚款,我根本负担不起。我刚刚买了这辆车。这车的前主人没有好好检查车子,这难道也是我的错吗?
