
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 01:15:39

  十四行诗是源于意大利民间的一种抒情短诗,文艺复兴初期时盛行于整个欧洲,其结构十分严谨,分为上下两部分,上段为八行,下段为六行,每行十一个音节,韵脚排列:abba abba,cdc ded。莎士比亚的十四行诗的结构却更严谨,他将十四个诗行分为两部分,第一部分为三个四行,第二部分为两行,每行十个音节,韵脚为:abab,cdcd,efef,gg。这样的格式后来被称为“莎士比亚式”或“伊丽莎白式”。对诗人而言,诗的结构越严谨就越难抒情,而莎士比亚的十四行诗却毫不拘谨,自由奔放,正如他的剧作天马行空,其诗歌的语言也富于想象,感情充沛。评论家赞美《十四行诗》是爱、性欲、生殖、死亡和时间的本性的深刻思索。目前国内有译本十余种之多,这在外文作品中是极少出现的。

莎士比亚 十四行诗

BUT wherefore do not you a mightier way
Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?
And fortify yourself in your decay
With means more blessèd than my barren rime?
Now stand you on the top of happy hours,
And many maiden gardens, yet unset,
With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers,
Much liker than your painted counterfeit:
So should the lines of life that life repair
Which this time's pencil or my pupil pen,
Neither in inward worth nor outward fair
Can make you live yourself in eyes of men.
To give away yourself keep