
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 06:08:17

1:One people is really not that essential points born with is defeated,You can wipe out away him at the furthest end of,May be cannot to defeat him

2:Be that a new day , luck are easy to had better certainly every day, I would rather make best preparation but , think that I am already prepared for a short time coming luck, welcoming it then.

3:Would rather fail on your delighted thing than be more successful than on thing hated by you

呵呵,我当时翻译别人有关“The Old Mand and the Sea"的论文,曾经从网上分别下载中文版和英文版的,然后,一个一个找,对照,花了很长时间才把论文中从小说引用的大量中文句子弄成作者的原句。