
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:14:13
巴拉圭有40.7万平方公里。它是南美洲中部的内陆国家。北与玻利维亚接壤,东邻巴西,西、南同阿根廷交界。 地处拉普拉塔平原北部,巴拉圭河从北向南把全国分成东西两部分:河东为丘陵、沼泽和波状平原,是巴西高原的延伸部分,海拔300~600米,约占领土面积的1/3,全国90%以上的人口集中于此;河西为查科地区,大多为原始森林与草原。境内主要山脉是阿曼拜山和巴兰卡尤山。主要河流有巴拉圭河和巴拉那河。大部分地区属亚热带气候。


Paraguay has 407,000 square kilometers. It is a landlocked country in central South America. Northern border with Bolivia, Brazil to the east, west and south at the junction with Argentina. La Plata is located in the northern Plains, Paraguay River from north to south, the country is divided into two parts, East and West: east for the hills, swamps and the wavy plains, Brazil is an extension of the plateau, 300 to 600 meters above sea level, about the size of the territory of 1 / 3, 90% of the population is concentrated here; Hexi for the Chaco region, mostly virgin forest and grassland. Oman is the main territory of mountain worship and Balankayou Shan Shan. The main rivers are Paraguay River and Parana River. In most parts of a sub-tropical climate.

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Paraguay has 407,000 square kilometers. It is a landlocked country in central South America. Northern border with Bolivia, Brazil to the east, west and south at the junction with Argentina. La P