
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 19:43:27

国际奥林匹克委员会(INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 简称IOC)是一八九四年六月二十三日由顾拜旦男爵所创立的,是现存历史最悠久也最有影响力的著名国际组织之一。 International Olympic Committee (INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE referred to as IOC) is on June 23, 1894 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded, is the oldest existing and most influential one of the well-known international organizations.

国际奥委会为国际体育之最高权力及领导机构,目前由一百多位委员组成,其中除国际奥委会主席按章程任命之十位国际单项总会会长担任委员外,其余委员是由国际奥委会严格筛选并经委员大会全数通过后,派驻各国,担任体育大使工作,负责执行国际奥委会在各国家及地区的权利及义务,并担任国家奥委会与国际奥委会间之桥梁与监督之任务,任期至八十岁。 International Olympic Committee to the highest international sports authority and leadership, by more than a hundred members, in addition to the President of the International Olympic Committee by the Constitution to appoint 10 of the International Federation of the individual as a member of the president, the other members Strict screening by the International Olympic Committee members and approved by the full General Assembly after the adoption of various countries accredited as a s