what's your view on computer)意思是对计算机的看法

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 20:25:24


Computers play an important role in the modern world,we can study on computer ,they are useful for us .I think we can make friends ,study ,chat on it ,but it makes many students give up study ,play game all days ,the computer, as we can safely predict, cannot cure all the ills of mankind and cannot surmount all the difficulties. However, we enjoy being dreamers, for in dreams we can find happiness often denied us.

计算机省时啦, 方便啦, 好的地方不用说, 不好的地方是让人与世隔绝啦, 没有人与人之间的交流啦, 有的人在网上是好手, 但见了真人都不会说话啦,