she is studying at school 还是 studies at school

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:26:49
he get 2000 yuan from the __________(sale) of the oil painting。要加s吗?

she is studying at school 还是 studies at school

1. she is studying at school 这个问题匿名已经解答了
2. he gets 2000 yuan from the sale of the oil painting. 要加S,并用sale即可。意思是说他卖那幅油画得2000元。

两个都可以 前者表示现在正在进行学习,后者表示他是在校学生

she is studying at school.
she studies at school.

1.salers 表示卖家 售货者 意思为:他从卖油画的卖家那里得了2000元。
2.She is studying at school .表示现在她正在学校学习。
She studies at school 。表示目前她是学生(在校生)
