
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 23:11:43
Mr.White is very rich. One day, the Mr.Whites' moves to a new town. Beth, his daughter, is also going to a new school in the town. On the first day, Mr.White says to Beth,"Beth,don"t say we are rich. You must be modest . You must be kind to others." Beth says , " I see,Dad."
So Beth goes to school.Her teather introduces her to other classmates."This is Beth . She's our new classmate." Other classmates clap their hands, "Welcome to our calss!" Beth says happily , "Thank you .I have just moved to the town with my parents . My family is very pool. My father is very pool. My mother is very pool . The gardener is very pool.The cook is poor and all the other servants are poor,too."

怀特先生很富有。有一天, 怀特先生搬到一个新的城镇。贝丝,他的女儿,也将在去这个镇子上的新学校。去学校的第一天,怀特先生对贝丝说:“贝丝,不要说我们很有钱。您应该要谦虚,您应该要亲切的对待其他人。 “贝丝说:"我知道了,爸爸."贝丝来到学校.她的老师介绍她给其他同学。 “这是贝丝,她是我们的新同学。 ”同学们鼓掌说“欢迎您到我们班来 ! ”贝丝高兴地说:“谢谢你们。我刚和我的父母搬到这个镇子。我的家很穷,我的父亲很穷,我的母亲很穷,园丁很穷,厨师很穷,所有的仆人都很穷. ”
