
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 02:42:02
每一次看到中国的国旗在奥运会的赛场上冉冉升起的时候,心中是那么的激动,眼眶中总是含着激动的泪水,作为一名中国人此时此刻只会让我感到无比的自豪 与 骄傲

Every time that the Chinese national flag in the Olympic Games on rising, so the hearts of excitement, eyes are always with a passionate tears, as a Chinese person only at this moment I am very proud of And pride

Every time when I see the Chinese national flag rising in the Olympic Games, I feel quite excited, always with passionate tears in my eyes. At this time, I just feel pride as a Chinese.