求惠普Pavilion dv51106Tx 显卡9600GT详细参数!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 10:47:16
求惠普Pavilion dv51106Tx 显卡9600GT详细参数! 最好带CUP图!

512MB discrete version
The top-end discrete version uses the nVIDIA GeForce 9600M, which is a PCI-E x16 graphics card with 512MB of dedicated video memory. Like the other discrete version, it does not require any system memory to be shared, but can be configured to use system memory as Turbo Cache. The maximum total video memory (dedicated video memory + Turbo Cache) is:

767MB for systems with 1GB of system RAM
1279MB for systems with 2GB of system RAM
1791MB for systems with 3GB of system RAM or 4GB of system RAM and a 32-bit OS
2303MB for systems with 4GB of system RAM and a 64-bit OS

惠普Pavilion dv51106TX 显卡
显卡类型: 独立显卡
显卡芯片: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GS
显存/位宽: 512MB
显存类型: DDRII

主要参数适用类型 笔记本
开发代号 G96
制造工艺 65纳米
核心位宽(bit) 256
显存位宽(bit) 128
标配显存类型 DDR3
核心频率(MHz) 600
显存频率(MHz) 1600
显存带宽(GB/s) 25.6

其他参数渲染管线 32个统一渲染单元(Stream Processors,流处理器,