帮忙翻译下列复合句 快快

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:57:37
1 我将要去你们国家,当我有空的时候
2 请来找我,如果你有任何问题
3 我将起得很早,是为了赶早班车
4 我和你一样感到兴奋
5 虽然他病了,但他还来工作

I will visit your country when I am free.

please come to me if you have any question.

I will get up early for the ride.

I am as excited as you are.

although he is sick, he still comes to work.

1. I'll go to your country when I have time.

2. Come to me please if you have any questions.

3. I'll get up very early in order to catch the early bus.

4. I feel as excited as you do.

5. He still comes to work even though he's sick.

1、I will go to your country when i have free time.
