
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:30:15
is it nature or nurture that plays a major role in the development of personlity? what is your opinion?

In the modern world, nature or nurture which playing more significant role for children individual character has becoming a controversial issue

There is an great deal of people convinced that if children own the talent which beyond imagination ,it means you advancing others, and the nature talent can further you to a brighten future. For example, the teachers prefer to teach them rather than other students, it is because less time and energy be paid to the same utility. Nevertheless, the clever students can achieve more goals than others just spending the same time. As the result, this kind of children mostly be confidence, and cultivate better ability

On the other hand, the living environment and parenting as well as exert noticeable influence on the development of their personality. The school education and the social surroundings are the two main f

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