
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:35:31
近期你不是有工作要面试吗?我问的是这个,=) 你准备好没有? 哈哈,其实我很讨厌英语,要是我会说斯洛伐克语就好了,或者你会中文那也不错!=)

Don't you have a job interview coming up shortly? What I'm asking is, are you ready for it? Ha. The fact is I really dislike English. Wouldn't it be great if I knew Slovakian? Or if you knew Chinese?!

dont you have the interview recently?
have you prepared well?
actually,i hate english.if i can speak Slovak,or u can speak chinese,it will be perfect.

Don't you have a job interview coming up shortly? That's what I was asking.=)Are you ready for it? lol, actually I really don't like English, I wish I could speak Slovakian. Or it would also be great if you could speak Chinese!=)

Presently there is a interview for you, right? Actually my question is =), are you ready for that? the fact is I don't like to speak English, if I can say Slovakian or you can say Chinese, that well be good.

Aren't you having a job interview recently? this is what i was asking. Are you fully ready for it? haha. Honestly speaking i don't rea