
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 15:13:41
vide them with a good opportunity to learn about society and gain some social experience. Besides, it is a chance
to apply the knowledge they have acquired in class to practice. Through the practice they will come to know what
kind of knowledge and ability will be necessary and what kind of jobs will be most suitable for each of them upon
graduation. This will motivate them to study harder.
Having looked at the picture, I' m outraged by his evil deeds. "I only care about making money!" said he.
But why doesn' t he care about the life of other people? Water flows from the water faucet and splashes onto the
ground. The ground is very dirty too. The man is busy filling the bottles with the water. With fake brands, bottles
of "delicious" soft drinks or wine come into being. This is a common phenomenon in China now. Many law-vio-
lated merchants who care only about money have produced many fake, bad, and eve

(xx)提供给了他们一个很好的去了解社会,并且得到社会经验的机会。 另外,这也是他们把课堂里的只是运用到实际生活中的机会。 通过实践,他们会了解到哪些知识和能力是必须的,并且体会到哪些工作是他们毕业之后最适合他们的。 这会使他们学习更有动力。

看了图片之后,我为他们的邪恶本质而感到愤怒。 “我只想赚钱”他说。 但是他怎么就不关心其他人的生命安全呢? 水从水管里流了出来,溅的遍地都是。 地上也是布满了灰尘。 这人正在忙碌的往瓶子里面灌水。再贴上假商标, 一瓶瓶“好喝”的软饮料和酒就这样诞生了。 这已经是中国现在非常普遍的现象了。 许多违反法律的唯利是图的商贩制造出许多假的,坏的,甚至是有毒的商品,并且让他们在市场上流通。 许多人已经因为这些商品死于非命。

为他们提供良好的机会去了解社会和获得社会经验,此外,这还是一个机会去运用在课堂上所学到的知识,凭借练习他们会逐渐明白,哪些知识和能力会需要,和哪些工作比较适合将要毕业的他们,这会促使他们学习更加努力. 看完这照片,我对他的恶劣行为感到震惊,他说:我只在乎攒钱!但是为什么他不能关心其他人的生命呢?水从水龙头流落地上,地上非常的脏,有个男的正忙着装满整瓶子的水,贴着伪冒商标的这些”美味”的饮料或者酒就这样出现了,这种现象在中国十分普遍,那些只在乎钱的违法商人,生产伪冒,劣质甚至有毒的商品并在市场上流通,很多人就因为他们的这些劣质商品而死亡。