delphi SQL语句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:35:47
select * from g_wip where lot_id=(select lot_id from g_sn where serial_number='1170EA07H03BC0D8X16LL190056')and station_key='80' and next_station='85' order by work_date


select top 32 * from g_wip where lot_id=(select lot_id from g_sn where serial_number='1170EA07H03BC0D8X16LL190056')and station_key='80' and next_station='85' order by work_date


select top 32 * from g_wip where lot_id=(select lot_id from g_sn where serial_number='1170EA07H03BC0D8X16LL190056')and station_key='80' and next_station='85' order by work_date