
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:23:52
冷冻水管均采用带护面贴面的无甲醛环保型玻璃棉管壳,外部采用铝壳保护。其中保温材料密度64kg/m3,导热系数≤0.043w/m.k,燃烧性能级别:A 级不燃材料。室外膨胀水箱箱体用δ=80mm 聚氨脂硬质发泡材料保温,水箱水管及附件均按室外要求进行处理;集水器、分水器及其它配件采用环保型离心玻璃棉毡保温,外表面贴防火防水贴面,离心玻璃棉毡γ=48kg/m3,δ= 75mm 。
空调风管保温外表面采用环保型离心玻璃棉板作保温材料,所有离心玻璃棉板外贴双层带筋铝箔或特强防潮防腐贴面,其中离心玻璃棉板密度64kg/m3,导热系数≤0.032w/m.k,燃烧性能级别:A 级不燃材料。


All the freezing water pipes are formaldehyde-free, environmental-friendly, cotton shell with protective facing. The outer part is protected by aluminum jacket, of which the density of thermal insulation material is 64kg/m3, the thermal conductivity ≤ 0.043w/m.k, and level of combustion performance: Grade A non-combustion material. The thermal insulation of the body of the outer expansion tank adopts δ=80mm Polyurethane hard composites, the hoses and ancillary parts of the tank are handled according to the outdoor requirement. The water collector, water distributor and other fittings adopts environmental-friendly, centrifugal glass fiber blanket for heat insulation, the outer part sticks with fireproofing and waterproofing facing, the centrifugal glass fiber blanket is γ=48kg/m3,δ= 75mm.

The material for air hose thermal insulation of the outer part of the air conditioner is envir