
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/17 06:35:17

2008年11月15日 妇科夜班交班,病人总数41人,白班进院6人,出院10人,手术5人,夜班没有出入院的。
昨日手术的病人有:15床 昨日在硬膜外麻醉下行子宫全切术,3pm返病房,夜间生命体征平稳,腹部切口无渗血,尿管通畅,引流出黄色清亮尿液2000ml,请于下午取出尿管,今晨已下床活动和洗漱,血压120/80mmHg。
今日手术的病人有:20床 今日8am在全麻下行剖腹探查术,夜间睡眠好,已禁饮食,已按医嘱准备手术,患者接往手术室。
发烧的病人有:30床 小夜体温37.8°C , 今晨体温36.9°C 。

November 15, 2008 gynecology night shift, the total number of 41 patients, 6 day shift into the hospital, 10 were discharged from hospital, surgical 5, no night out of the hospital.

The new hospital patients sleep better at night, this morning on an empty stomach had been pumped blood.

Operation yesterday patients: 15 yesterday in the epidural anesthesia hysterectomy, 3pm back to the ward at night stable vital signs, no abdominal incision oozing, open catheter, drainage of clear yellow urine 2000ml, please pm Remove the catheter, has been out of bed this morning and wash that blood pressure 120/80mmHg.

Today, patients are: 20 at 8am today anesthesia laparotomy, a good night sleep, food has been banned in accordance with the doctor's orders to prepare surgery, the patient access to the operating room.

Fever patients: 30 small-night temperature 37.8 ° C, this morning the body temperature 36.9 ° C.

Shift after