写邮件需要,请帮忙翻译成英语,不要机译 (可以加分)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 04:26:33
邮件标题: 询价单延误汇总
Tonny, 经查询,我发现最近你的报价及回邮件的时间拖得太长,我记得你曾经答应过我们公司,所有的新报价可以在2-3天完成,但目前仍然几个新的询价单我想已经超过期限但仍未收到你的回复,而且这些全都是你答应过会在周四可以全部提供的,但今天已经是周五了.请确认今天是否可以全部完成.详请参见附件. 谢谢你的支持!

subject: postpone inquiry list collection

Tonny,after I checked, I find that receenly it has taken too long for you to give quoted price and reply mails. I remember you once promised our comapany that, all new quoted price could be completed within 2-3 days. However, there are still a few new inquiry lists which I believe has been expired without your reply. And these are all that you promised to offer by Thursday but today is already Friday. Please make sure if you can finish then by today. For details please see the attachment. Thanks for your support!

subject: delayed response to the quote request


I noticed that it had taken you longer than usual to reply to my emails and our quote requests. I remember that you
promised before that all new quotes would be done in 2 to 3 days. However, currently we still have several new quote requests outstanding, which you promised to get done by
Thursday, but as of today Friday, we have