how to learn math well

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:32:31
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1. If I didn't understand the book, I went out and purchased another one that I could understand better. There is no such thing as an "easy" book but some books can explain concepts better than others.

2. I went to the professor as often as I could. Some professors will go our of their way to help you (I've been blessed to go to a school where nearly the entire math and science division will stay long hours just to help you). Going to a professor on your own time also lets the professor know that you are concerned with your learning of the material and that could help out quite a bit. And don't feel like your hindering on a professor. Their job is to help you understand the material.

3. Practice Practice Practice. It seems obviously but you won't believe how many people fail to abide by it. When I was in Calculus I, we were studying Related Rate problems and I was completely clueless. Since it was the weekend and I couldn't find my