
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 14:26:11
For Liz Barlowe and her best friend Chad Carter, a chance to meet pop star Britney Spears would pretty much be the pinnacle of their adolescent careers. Unfortunately, before they get the chance, a spaceship lands in their Los Angeles neighborhood, and Britney is abducted by aliens. "Drama," as the dry-witted Liz likes to say. Liz and Chad take it upon themselves to save Britney--and the world--from the devious alien leader, Dr. Osco, a.k.a. Bridget, and her silver-suited henchmen. Ideally, of course, they'll also meet the cute blonde singer herself in the process, and maybe even get to hang with her. Or at least sing backup to "Oops!... I Did It Again." But saving the world (and Britney) is a lot harder than one might think. When aliens aren't controlling the minds of the youth of the world, leading them to rebel against the grownups ("We've labored under the oppressive thumbs of the adults long enough! Britney is our only friend!"), they'

对于Liz Barlowe 和她的好朋友Chad Carter来说,能够有机会见到明星Britney Spears 是她们青葱年华中最棒的事情。不幸的是,在她们得到这个机会之前,一艘宇宙飞船在他们居住的洛杉矶附近着陆,外星人绑架了Britney。“戏剧”冷静的LIZ说。LIZ和Chad大胆的打算从诡计多端的外星人首领——Dr. Osco, a.k.a. Bridget和她的银装Hench人中把Britney就出来,同时也拯救这个世界。按照理想状态,他们自然也会在路上遇到一位美丽的金发歌者,可能还会和她逛逛。或者,至少会唱歌来支持“哦,我又做了一次。”不过,拯救世界(拯救Britney)要比一个人想的难的多。当外星人不再控制世界上年轻人的想法,让他们去背叛大人时,(我们在大人们那让人难以忍受的控制下已经很久了,Britney是我们的唯一的朋友!)外星人竭力通过时空门追踪Liz和Chad,一直追踪到远离月亮一边的星球。这两个充满毅力的姑娘,最终出名了,尽管,Liz并不十分满意结果。
Mel Gilden对于美国洛杉矶年轻人、好莱坞,ufo的嘲讽,Britney Spears 只是太蠢了以至于吸引的那些愤世嫉俗的人以及被充斥的通俗文化所牵引的Britney迷们。不幸的是,尽管交换日记的摘录和叙述提供一个平衡,它仍被牵引了一些。享受在新的Britney 签名本上无聊的拼写。


对于里斯Barlowe和她的最好的朋友乍得卡特,机会遇见流行音乐明星Britney Spears几乎是他们的青年期事业石峰。 不幸地,在他们得到机会之前,太空飞船土地在他们的洛杉矶邻里和Britney由外籍人拐骗。 " 戏曲, " 作为智力丰富的里斯喜欢说。 里斯和乍得采取它在他们自己保存Britney--并且世界--从迂回外籍人领导,她博士Osco,亦称Bridget和银适合了心腹。 理论上,当然, they' ll在过程中也遇见逗人喜爱的白肤金发的歌手和甚而可能得到垂悬与她。 或者至少唱备份对" Oops! … 我做了它Again." 但是保存世界(和Britney)比有人很坚硬可能认为。 当外籍人aren' 控制世界