关于复活节 英语短文300字

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 09:50:39

Yan Bo in the vast South Pacific, an area of only 165 square kilometers of the island - Easter Island, with its huge portrait of a mysterious and strange customs attracts numerous visitors.Chile's Easter Island is a small island, home away from Chile more than 3600 km.It is said that in 1722 the Dutch explorer (Jabbo Roggeween) in the South Pacific sailing adventure, all of a sudden found a piece of land.He thought he discovered a new, quickly landing a result, after the land is an island.It so happened that day is Easter (April 1722 5), so we named the unnamed island Easter Island.In 1888, the Chilean government sent to take over the island, said to have Coincidentally, that day also happened to be Easter.
