美国偶像第7季 第7集中的一首插曲叫什么?求下载地址

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 01:59:42
PAULA不会说不那个场景中的插曲。。歌词第一句是 I m just a girl who can t say no


ARTIST: Rodgers and Hammerstein
  TITLE: I Cain't Say No
  Lyrics and Chords

  It ain't so much a question of not knowing what to do
  I know'd what's right and wrong since I been ten
  I heard a lot of stories and I reckon they are true
  About how girls are put upon by men
  I know I mustn't fall into the pit
  But when I'm with a feller I fergit

  I'm just a girl who cain't say no
  I'm in a terrible fix
  I always say come on let's go
  Jist when I orta say nix

  When a person tries to kiss a girl
  I know she orta give his face a slap
  But as soon as someone kisses me
  I somehow sorta wanta kiss him back

  I'm just a fool when lights are low
  I cain't be prissy and quaint
  I ain't the type that can faint
  How c'n I be what I ain't
  I cain't say no

  What'cha gonna do