
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 02:49:33

Women in China
Traditionally, the society was very male-centered. The birth of a boy was welcomed, as that ensured the survival of the family name and comfort the souls of his ancestors in the afterworld. Women were excepted to sub-ordinate to fathers, husbands and sons. When a Chinese man was asked about the size of his family, he would only mention the number of sons. Neither a woman nor a man had much say in the decision of his/her marriage partner, and when they were married, the woman was the one who had to leave her family and hometown to live with her husband in his community, where the wife was sub-ordinate to her mother-in-law. Marriage in the old days must have been horror for a woman - she was the target of criticism, she was not allowed to speak in her own defence, and until she produced a son, she was worse off than hired servants.

Not many women were educated. Baby girls were sold as chattel, movable posessions, to wealthy families. Bound feet, whi