
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 13:24:53
eg:It was for this reason that her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village .

It was...that... 是强调句式,是一个固定句式。这种句式的特点是去掉It was...that... 这句话依然是完整的。
这句话如果用的是why,我们一般说It was (the reason) why her uncle...否则读起来也会觉不大顺。

that,这是个强调句,it is sth that...
for this reason 就是被强调的部分。

That's the reason why he didn't come. 那就似乎他没来的原因。
It's for the reason that he didn't come.就是这个原因导致他没来。

It was...that... 强调句式,翻译:正是因为这个原因,她的叔叔才搬出纽约,在一个小村里安顿下来。

如果后边的宾语是对reason 的补充,可以用why .但是在这里后边。这个句子不是对原因做的解释。理解是:因为这个原因他搬出纽约定居在一个小村庄