
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 08:04:44
突然有辆小汽车缓缓地停在我的面前,令我惊奇的从车上下来两个蓝眼睛,高鼻梁,黄头发的外国人.她们左顾右盼的好像寻找什么,她们走到我们的面前其中一个外国人说了一大堆外语,我一句也没有听懂,这是那国的语言呀!我连忙用英语问她们有什么需要帮助吗? 另一位外国人用英语跟我交谈了几句话,我就明白原来她们要找农业银行.我告诉她们就在前边靠右的拐角处,我们用英语说并用手指给她们方向,但是过了一会说英语的外国人又回来了,并问我银行为什么没有工作?我赶紧和她走到银行门口一看,原来今天是周末银行休息,我赶紧用英语翻译给她们,并告诉她们明天早晨九点种银行开始工作.

speaking foreigners come back and ask Why did not the bank I work? She and I quickly come to the door of a bank, this is the original bank over the weekend to rest, I hasten to them in English translation, and tell them tomorrow, 9:00 kinds of banking work.
The two foreigners with a friendly smile as I said thanks, I told them do not have to thank the Beijing welcomes you. I am really very happy to psychological, that is, the benefits will be English, I can do something meaningful Beijing Olympic Games .
PS: Recently, we should use, so ask any solution to span a solution to meet the urgent needs here first I would like to thank the (Please do not use online translation software translation, I use a translation you can not eat rice).
