
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 10:57:44
SLA management systems found in the
literature have focused on specific actions such
as negotiation and reservation, or reservation
and monitoring; few extend support for run-time
adaptation. The approach presented here deals
with all these issues, but extends support for
run-time adaptation including a system for
recording violation warnings and notifications.
The paper presents a SLA management
architecture for negotiation, monitoring and
policing of SLA’s. The SLA Manager
negotiates a SLA for the rights to execute a Grid
service. Once an agreement exists, management
of the SLA involves monitoring which is
achieved using performance measurement data
obtained from a set of Grid monitoring tools.
Policing is also performed using violation data
obtained through monitoring of the SLA against
real-time performance measurement data. Run-
time adaptation is supported thanks to S


考虑到这一点,实验旨在检验的业绩预测模型和法治为基础的适应机制,当应用服务执行对大型分布式网格基础设施,白玫瑰网格( WRG ) ;组成的高性能计算资源,利兹,谢菲尔德和纽约大学[ 1 ] 。一个基础设施,如WRG展品异构资源和跨越多个行政领域。