大侠们 帮我翻译一段文字把

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 02:31:29
中国已经渐渐在世界的经济政治科技领域占领了重要的地位,作为一名爱国青年,非常希望有机会在一个拥有极高学术声誉的第三方机构进行针对中国的研究,因为在中国虽然也有很多高校做此类的研究,但是受制于一些约束,没有办法客观公正的对当下的形势进行客观的评价,而且在研究方法上,中国高校也相对落后于英国的老牌名校,毕竟很多英国学校有着几百年的历史,在人文学科的研究上处于领先地位。很幸运的是我找到了这个项目。众所周知,某某大学有着卓越的学术气氛,有着全欧洲最出色的中国研究中心, 在这里我可以和来自世界不同地区的同学一起学习到最先进的研究方法对我的国家的经济,政治,文化进行全方位的研究。这里的大量珍贵的学术资料,良好的学术氛围,有着丰富渊博知识的教授都将对我的学习有着巨大的帮助。

China has gradually in the world of science and technology in the field of economic and political occupied an important position as a patriotic young people, very much like the opportunity to have a high academic reputation of third-party agencies for the study of China because China although there are many colleges and universities Do this kind of research, but subject to a number of constraints, not an objective and impartial on the current situation to carry out an objective evaluation, and research methods, Chinese colleges and universities are lagging behind in the old elite in the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom, after all, a lot of schools have a few 100 years of history, humanities research leader. I was very lucky to find this item. It is well known that a certain university has a distinguished academic atmosphere in Europe has the best Chinese research center, where I can come from different parts of the world and students together to study the most advanced research me